Saturday, June 21, 2014

¡Feliz Dia del PADRE!(

Not only is it a day for our earthly fathers, but more importantly for our Heavenly one.  I am infinitely grateful, first of all, to Him.  Also, Happy (late) Fathers Day to my awesome dad! Thank you for all you do for

me and the fam. My most faithful writer on the mish. I am so grateful for your example and support in my life.  Like Ramses, my dad = number 1.

So this week was great.  On Monday we went to Matucana again (my third time) but I cant complain.  Its super nice to get out to nature and enjoy a pretty (steep) hike up to a waterfall and get out of the dirty city areas.  We had a great time as a zone and enjoyed our last p-day all together before transfers.  Im super blessed to have been in areas outside of Lima like Chaclacayo and Chosica these last 6 months and to be able to go out to places like Matucana!

This week we have been working hard with Julian.  He couldnt accept the earthquake as his answer because it hit all of the country.  We were saying that surely the timing of it wasnt a coincidence and the fact that he kept praying showed his faith for sure.  But yeah, we arent giving up on him. Our zone leaders came with us to a lesson with him and we talked a lot about repentance and how taking all the necessary steps, including confessing to God (even though he already knows), we can feel free from any pain or worry that could impede us from feeling the Spirit fully.  I dont think he has anything huge to resolve, but he sure wont be able to feel with a certainty if thats not cleared up.  He committed to doing so and so things are looking up.

We still havent seen much of the effects of the World Cup here... maybe the "Chosicanos" dont like soccer that much... hahaha KIDDING.  There were plenty of people out partying these past few nights but we, as always, have been protected by the hand of the Lord. No worries here!

So a random funny thing that happened yesterday: we have had a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese in our apt (some sister before us left it) and we decided to make it.  Hermana Hazelton and I were excited to eat something American and we brought it to our pensionistas house last night to make for dinner.  Hermana Llavilla, Hermana Giusti, and our pensionista were excited to try it.  We made it and it turned out well... except for the fact that there were tons of dead ants all sprinkled in there.  The ants had gotten into the box in our apt. and we didnt realize they were in the noodles until AFTER we finished making it haha.  It was pretty funny/sad haha.  I tried to separate the ants but I gave up and just ate it because I wanted mac and cheese so badly... Ive eaten weirder stuff, haha.  Sometimes the mission makes you do crazy things!

But yeah, overall a good week.  I cant think of much more to say right now... remember to MAKE GOOD CHOICES! :))

That is all.

Cuidense muuucho les quiero! Love yall more than a Peruvian loves rice!
Hermana Bledsoe

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Oh dulce, grata, oración. (June 9, 2014)

Hello hello!

Well I hope everyone is doing well, wherever you may be!  Shout out to Nathan for graduating high school and seminary this last weekend!  Now entering the life of a grown-up haha.  

This week was pretty awesome.  We started off the week (after a relaxed p-day with the other sisters serving in our ward whom we also live with) on Tuesday with a lesson with Julian, an eternal investigator and our Stake Presidents brother who is the only non-member in his family.  We were also very blessed to have President Brown (yes, that really is his last name, haha) come with us.  We had previously visited Julian with President Ardila and, because the only thing keeping him from being baptized is receiving his answer that this is the true church, challenged him to pray with a sincere heart, real intent, and with faith in Christ (Moroni 10:4).  On Tuesday he said he still didn't feel anything different and I was a bit frustrated because we have been teaching him the whole time I've been here and with both of my companions in this area we have literally been praying for and studying for him every day.  We have taught him everything from Alma 32 and Faith to the story of Enos and also stories of Christs apostles in the New Testament.  President Ardila taught him about Joseph Smith and how he planned to ask God and went to a place where he knew he could ask in peace and also set apart a time to do it.  Seriously we had tried EVERYTHING.  We talked to him with his brother that afternoon about asking in faith and decided that the next time we would review all of the commandments so that he could commit to live them and recognize his answer that way (John 7:17).  We were going to finish the lesson with a prayer and Julian called on his brother to say it.  President Brown said, "I'm not the one looking for an answer, YOU are. YOU say the prayer."  Julian began to pray and right there in that moment we began to feel a slight earthquake that got stronger and stronger. Everything was shaking and we could hear people running out of their homes outside, freaking out.  It was the strongest one that I've ever felt and I admit I was a bit scared.  I opened my eye to see if everyone was still praying (because I couldnt hear too well) and to my surprise, Julian was still praying!! He finished his prayer and the earthquake ended a few seconds later.  We were on the first floor of the house so we didnt feel it as strong as others but everything was fine.  I remember all of us getting up to look outside and I told Julian, "Brother, that was your answer!" Everyone laughed, but I was serious!  His mom even said, "If you cant believe for the good things, you'd better believe for the bad ones."  Julian always says he hears others experiences and wants to have his own, confirming of the truth, and THAT WAS IT!!  We found out later it was a 5.4 earthquake with the epicenter in Chilca, another part of the department of Lima.  We left him with all of that to meditate on and all of us were really in shock.  You could say it was a coincidence, but I know in my heart that it wasnt.  God really does answer prayers, in his own way, in his own time.  

This weekend was Stake Conference and, along with an Area Seventy, President and Hna Ardila came.  President came to greet us after the Saturday night session and told us that President Brown had told him what happened.  On Sunday Julian came late to Conference but arrived just in time to hear Sister Costa talk about living below our privelages and Elder Costa, as a convert, share his testimony of the Restoration.  It was amazing.  We are sure that all of these events have impacted his heart and we will find out this week what the final say is!

We heard very inspired messages yesterday and I'm so grateful and happy!

Keep on keeping on! Love ya!

Hermana Bledsoe

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 2, 2014


So this week wasn't too eventful but we are excited for Ivan's baptism this Wednesday night!! He was the one who got married a few weeks ago and his wife has been a member for almost a year now.  He is super excited and we've seen him progress a lot in these past 2 months or so.  He was going to be baptized right after he got married but he wasnt keeping the commitments we were leaving him and didn't feel he was quite prepared yet.  It was a bit hard to do that because the ward all wanted him to be baptized the day after the wedding, but we stuck to our decision and I'm glad that we did because he would have been ready then, and maybe only have been baptized due to all of the excitement.  He now is prepared and READY!!

Winter has hit here and its even cold here out in Chosica but I bought tights last p-day so I think I'll be okay for now.  We are just working hard and trying to strengthen the ward.  This week we have stake conference with Elder Costa, a seventy, so were trying to get all the less actives, investigators, etc. to go!  We are slowly seeing progress with our less actives and we had a huge spike in church attendance yesterday so I'm happy!

Yesterday we watched "On the Lord's Errand" with Ivan and his wife and it was cool to see his reaction to our living prophet.  At first there were other people talking, but when I saw the prophets face, I felt strongly that he IS our prophet! Random little experience...

Love y'all! Til next week!
Hermana Bledsoe